When I was in the elementary school I had this teacher's assistant by the name of Ms. P. She was tall, slim, blonde, with short hair and glasses. She wasn't beautiful or ugly but somewhere in the middle and kinda goofy. Ms. P was a natural shoeplayer. She played with her shoes at every opportunity standing or sitting.

One day Ms. P was sitting at her desk. She was wearing a skirt, blouse, tan hose, and tan flats similar to moccasins. Ms. P was doing paperwork and me and the students were doing our classwork.

Ms. P told all the students to line up in front of her so our papers could be graded. I ended up somewhere in the middle of the line. I noticed that Ms. P had her legs crossed and was dangling her shoe from the tips of her toes. She was an excellent dangler. Her shoe stayed on the very end of her toes for like the longest time before it fell off.

It was my turn for my paper to be graded and all I could do was watch Ms. P swing her sexy nylon foot back and forth. I stared at her foot taking a mental picture in my mind. When the time was right I kicked her shoe as hard as I could. It ended up in no man's land.

Once my paper was graded I returned to my seat and sat back and watched the show. Ms. P finished grading all the papers, uncrossed her leg and reached for her shoe with her foot. Her bare foot touched the floor and she seemed a little surprised. So Ms. P began to look around for her shoe but it wasn't there.

Ms. P continued to do her work and look for her missing shoe at the same time. At one point I remember her walking around the classroom with one shoe shaking her head totally confused.

Time was ticking and we were at the end of the school day. As we got closer to the time for us to go home Ms. P became more anxious to find her shoe. Ms. P got on her hands and knees looking under her desk for her shoe. I was so turned on. After searching for a few minutes Ms. P decided to ask the head teacher for help. But the head teacher didn't want to be bothered and she snapped at Ms. P. I could see that Ms. P was embarrassed but the head teacher helped look for the missing shoe. Right before the end of the day they found it. The shoe was stuck under the radiator.

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